05 Jan 2022
Last chance to apply for a primary school place for September 2022
The deadline to apply for a Leeds primary school place (reception) for September 2022 is next Saturday (January 15th).
Families are advised to use all five of their preferences to give their child the best chance of being allocated a place at a preferred school. Using less than five doesn’t increase the chances of being offered your first preference.
The simple and secure application form can be completed online at www.leeds.gov.uk/apply.
Families will also find a range of information on the website to help them choose their five preferences, including advice on the application process, links to individual admissions policies, information about school transport, as well as allocation data from previous years to help families decide if there is a reasonable chance of being offered a place at the schools they are listing.
Parents and carers can also watch this video that takes them through the key steps of the application process.
There are other options for those without access to online facilities and these can be discussed with the admissions team by calling 0113 222 4414.
For those applying using our online portal, offers will be sent out by email on 19th April 2022 during working hours. For those that apply by any other means, a letter will be posted on 19th April so will arrive later that week.
Councillor Jonathan Pryor, Leeds City Council’s executive member for economy, culture and education, said:
“Deciding on a primary school is a very important decision for parents and carers to make, and we want to support them as they complete the application process.
“It is really important that families apply on time, use all five of the preferences open to them and do research on the schools they preference. If anyone is in need of support I would urge them to reach out to the admissions team on 0113 222 4414.”
Notes to editors:
List of popular myths (and facts) around applying for a school place.
MYTH: My child goes to the school’s nursey, so I am guaranteed a place at the same school
FACT: Attending a school nursey doesn’t guarantee a school place. Schools don’t offer places to those who attend their nursey unless it’s included in their admissions policy.
MYTH: I already have a sibling attending my preferred school, so I don’t need to apply
FACT: Not all schools provide a higher priority for siblings. Please check each school’s admissions policy to see if you meet their sibling criteria and include your sibling information on your application.
MYTH: I live in a school’s catchment area so I am guaranteed a place there.
FACT: Your application will be prioritised above anyone living outside the catchment area, but there is no guarantee of a place. You still need to include this school as one of your preferences.
MYTH: I have good reasons why my child should attend my first preference school, so you have to offer them a place.
FACT: School admissions policies set their rules about the order they offer their places in. If your reasons are included in the school’s admissions policy then make sure you include that information in your application. By law, schools can’t take any other reasons in to account.
MYTH: It doesn’t matter which order I list my preferences in.
FACT: You must list your preferences in the order you would like. This is so we know your preference order to offer you your highest preference if you qualify for a place at more than one school.
MYTH: If I only put one preference on my application, then you’ll have to offer me that school.
FACT: This does not increase your chances of being offered a place. By listing only 1 preference, you are asking to be considered for a place at only 1 school. Your application will still be in the same position on that schools list of applications whether you have applied for 1 or 5 schools.
MYTH: If I only provide one preference and you can’t offer me this school, you’ll allocate me a place at my local school.
FACT: We can’t do this as we’re not allowed to reserve places. Places will be given to those who ask for them so the local school may fill with children who have asked for a place and there may not be places left for children who didn’t ask for it. If the local school is full, your child may be allocated a place at a school many more miles away. You should include your local school as one of your preferences to be considered for a place there.
For media enquiries contact:
Rebecca Stubbs
Leeds City Council