15 Jan 2025
Otley Bridge: temporary traffic lights allow council to do further safety inspections and monitor impact
Leeds City Council is installing temporary traffic signals on Otley Bridge from this Thursday (16 January) reducing it to a single lane to facilitate pedestrians crossing over the River Wharfe.
The deteriorating pedestrian footway at the side of Otley Bridge is at the end of its serviceable life and will be replaced before the end of next winter. Twice weekly safety inspections are taking place, and the temporary closure will allow further in-depth inspections to ensure the footway can remain safely open to pedestrians.
As previously communicated it is the council’s preferred solution to install a temporary footway whilst the replacement works are carried out on the existing footway. However, this will require the felling of two nearby trees which must be carried out before bird nesting season begins at the end of February.
To date the council has been unable to safely remove the two trees required for the new temporary footway despite several site visits. If this continues to be the case, the council will have to pursue the only viable alternative solution, which will be to reduce Otley Bridge to single lane traffic with three-way temporary traffic lights for the duration of the works, which are expected to last until late Autumn.
Past repair and maintenance schemes in the area indicate that temporary traffic lights on the bridge over an extended period of time are likely to have a significant impact on the town.
This includes lengthy vehicle queues and congestion including emergency services journeys, air pollution, pedestrian safety, general congestion in the town centre, potential negative impact on local businesses, and pupils travelling to Prince Henry’s Grammar School and local primary schools.
The temporary traffic lights will be operational from Thursday 16 January, depending on river levels, and will be in place for a minimum of a week. Mill Lane up to Manor Street will also be closed during this period to reduce the traffic impact on Bridge Street.
Otley Bridge was previously reduced to a single lane of traffic over the New Year period, as the footway had to be temporarily closed to ensure safety of people observing the traditional New Year’s Day swim which was later cancelled by organisers.
The council is already in regular contact with North Yorkshire Council following the landslip on the A59 at Kex Gill and its closure, as issues in this area typically lead to increased traffic in Otley and the surrounding area.
Councillor Jonathan Pryor, Leeds City Council’s deputy leader and executive member for economy, transport and sustainable development, said: “The existing pedestrian footway continues to deteriorate and we cannot delay essential repair work.
“Engineers have spent over a year looking at potential options, and we have looked into the feasibility of all ideas sent to the council since the public consultations in August of last year.
“Due to significant constraints on site, there are only two viable options open to us to allow this essential repair work to go ahead; building a temporary footway which unfortunately would mean the loss of two trees, or temporary traffic lights on Otley Bridge for around six months.
“Concerns around access for emergency services, the hospital, the school and for all residents led us to maintain that installing a temporary footway is the safest and least disruptive way to carry out this essential and major engineering work.
“However, after several site visits to establish safe working areas and practices for the felling of the two trees, we have been prevented from doing so.
“If the two trees cannot be removed before the end of February, the temporary footway cannot be installed, and we will have to resort to reducing Otley Bridge to a single lane of traffic using temporary signals for at least six months.
“While most of the feedback we have received supports the construction of a temporary footway, if we cannot create a safe working environment there due to the strength of feeling and associated actions of protestors, then there would only one option left, which is to install temporary traffic lights on Otley Bridge."
In accordance with the council’s guidance, the trees would be replaced by a minimum of 13 semi mature trees across the Otley area, including in Tittybottle Park, subject to community consultation.
Should works commence to install the temporary footway in March, these would take around 12 weeks and it would be expected to be open in late spring 2025.
The existing footway would then be removed from spring 2025 on completion of the temporary footway, with work lasting 20 weeks.
The replacement permanent footway would be expected to be open in autumn 2025. All dates are dependent on weather and river conditions, and subject to the condition of the Otley Bridge once the existing footway has been removed.
More information about the Otley Bridge project, including frequently asked questions and details of all the options explored by the council, can be found at: Have Your Say Today - Otley Bridge - Commonplace
For media enquiries contact:
Leeds City Council Communications team